Movies & Series W/ Lau Kong

Golden OldiesGolden Oldies
The ProsecutorThe Prosecutor
The Heir to the ThroneThe Heir to the Throne
A Perfect GentlemanA Perfect Gentleman
Over My Dead BodyOver My Dead Body
Modern DynastyModern Dynasty
The WitnessThe Witness
Barrack O'karmaBarrack O'karma
Our Unwinding EthosOur Unwinding Ethos
The White Storm 2: Drug LordsThe White Storm 2: Drug Lords
A Beautiful MomentA Beautiful Moment
The Forgotten ValleyThe Forgotten Valley
The Big CallThe Big Call
The Exorcist's MeterThe Exorcist's Meter
Oh My GradOh My Grad
The Unholy AllianceThe Unholy Alliance
May Fortune Smile on YouMay Fortune Smile on You
No ReserveNo Reserve
Inspector GourmetInspector Gourmet
Brother's Keeper IiBrother's Keeper Ii
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